CHECK Penetration Testing

Government Penetration Testing & IT Health Checks (ITHC)

What is CHECK Penetration Testing?

CHECK is the terminology used to describe UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) approved penetration testing.

CHECK companies are subject to stringent auditing, must employ experienced and qualified staff and must hold UK approved security clearances.

The CHECK scheme is used to ensure that UK Government departments only use pre-approved and experienced organisations to assess the security of their critical assets.

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We Are a Fully Assured CHECK Penetration Testing Provider

Years Experience
> 0
Happy Clients
> 0
HTB Business (UK)
1 st
Successful Projects
> 0

Who Are We?

We are provide cutting edge penetration testing services to global financial institutions, household names and FTSE100 companies.

We are a fully accredited cyber security provider, boasting an impressive portfolio of certifications and clients.

Our head office is in the UK, but we also have offices in the Middle East.

Commonly Asked Questions About CHECK.

What is Red Teaming?

A red teaming security assessment allows your organisation to fully evaluate their security posture against a real world, highly skilled and motivated threat actor. Our team of consultants can emulate this through utilising cutting edge tools and techniques to compromise your most critical assets.

By assessing your organisation with an attackers point of view, we are able to highlight attack paths and vulnerabilities that may have been previously unconsidered.

Who Needs A Red Team Assessment?

Our red teaming service is most applicable to those organisations who:

  • Regularly perform standard, scope-based, penetration testing.
  • Have an existing defensive capability.
  • Have an existing IT security team.
  • Have an appropriate cyber security budget.
  • Want visibility of the security posture of the entire organisation.
Who Should Know?

To get the maximum value out of a red teaming engagement, we recommend that only a handful of users are aware of it’s existence. This allows users to not raise their awareness over the testing period and lets you fully assess the security of your organisation.

Why Work With Us?

By uncovering vulnerabilities that cannot be detected by traditional penetration tests, we have improved the security posture of a large number of organisations.

Our experience allows us to tailor the engagements to meet your business risks, using these as key goals throughout the engagement.

Will You Help Fix Identified Vulnerabilities?

If this is previously agreed, Ruptura InfoSecurity will assist in all remediation activities to assist in fixing identified security vulnerabilities.

This will take place alongside existing security teams.

An IT Health Check (ITHC) is a cyber security assessment of a government or arms-length network. Central government departments must use a CHECK provider, such as ourselves.

It is recommended that a CHECK provider is also used for all arms-length bodies, such as councils, schools and universities.

Central government departments must have a CHECK approved penetration testing provider perform their IT Health Check. This includes departments such as: Ministry of Justice, Department for Education and Cabinet Office.

Central government departments must use CHECK approved companies to perform these assessments.

CHECK is a government approved certification awarded to those penetration testing providers working at the highest level. It includes rigorous auditing and a large commitment from the company.

CREST is a private scheme, proving that penetration testing providers meet certain commercial standards and follow industry methodologies.

As a leading penetration testing provider, we have both CHECK and CREST certifications.

The NCSC Approved CHECK certification is not an easy certification to get. It shows that staff members are experienced, the organisation is mature in it’s procedures and that individuals can be trusted to work within sensitive environments.

An ITHC is simply the government terminology for a penetration testing engagement. These phrases can be used interchangeably when talking about these services. 

In most cases, it is mandated that ITHC’s are performed by CHECK approved companies. 

Get in Touch With Us Today

Our CHECK Team

Our CHECK service consists of multiple CHECK Team Leaders and Members, supported by a team of experienced project co-ordinators and engagement staff. 

Technical Experts

Our CHECK Team consists of highly skilled CHECK Team Leaders and CHECK Team Members. We are able to ensure full coverage by employing both CHECK Application and Infrastructure Team Leaders.


We are registered on almost all procurement platforms and frameworks, allowing your department / organisation to easily find and engage with us. Our procurement team work with you to assist in the onboarding process, using their vast public sector experience.


We ensure that our CHECK Team remain certified and skilled up to provide you with full security assurance. We regularly attend NCSC workshops and contribute to wider industry events and conferences to remain at the cutting edge of penetration testing.

Talk to us about your ITHC requirements today

We don't just say we are the best, we prove it.


Our lead times are typically between 2-4 weeks for an ITHC - some of the lowest in the industry.


If your organisation wants to receive a PSN compliance certificate, an approved ITHC report will be required. We can help you through each step of the way.


We understand that different departments have different budgets. Our team are able to work with you and your budgets to offer a bespoke service.


You can have confidence in our experienced team, knowing that your cyber security requirements are being handled by highly trained professionals.